Masterclass: Exploration of Spinal Rotation & Counter Rotation with Jenny Tyler
We are delighted to welcome Jenny to Body Control Pilates Central with her first masterclass.
This masterclass looks at spinal rotation as an active movement and the ability to work against rotation using resistance.
With thanks to Nicole Davis
Jenny qualified as a physiotherapist from Queen’s College, Glasgow in 1990 and trained with Body Control Pilates in 2003.
After 7 years working in the NHS covering a variety of specialities, she got a job at FASIC, one of Scotland's leading multi-disciplinary sports injury clinics, and 20+ years later, she’s still there!
One of Jenny’s key work objectives is to integrate Pilates, both mat and equipment, into the performance sport programme within Edinburgh University and the wider sporting population. Over the years, Jenny has worked with many different sports including swimming, hockey, golf, rugby, rowing, running, archery, and has had the privilege of working within professional sport including 5 years with Scottish Cricket and a season at Hibernian football club. She also works extensively with clients with spinal / pelvic pain and enjoys seeing the relief they get from quality movement.
In 2014, Jenny created the Body Control ‘Pilates for Golfers’ course and subsequently has taught many Pilates teachers to look at the movement demands of golf and help address any issues with Pilates based exercises. Jenny is also Scotland’s Body Control Pilates Regional Co-ordinator and helps to organise / teach on our Scotland-based Matwork Teacher Training programmes.
Filming by MK Ceesay (
Always take medical advice before taking up exercise. Body Control Pilates Education Ltd (BCPEL), its officers, and the presenters on this website, cannot accept responsibility or liability for any injuries arising from the content of this website. Masterclasses and workouts using equipment of any kind are intended for teachers with the necessary experience and qualifications. If you follow these workouts without having appropriate prior training you do so fully at your own risk. BCPEL reserves the right to remove any comments posted on this website that may, in its sole view, be considered inappropriate, derogatory or libellous. By subscribing to this website you are deemed to have accepted the terms of this Disclaimer in full.
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