

Be inspired by our team of leading Pilates presenters…whether you're a Pilates teacher or an enthusiast looking to deepen your Pilates knowledge, our masterclasses will give you new exercise ideas and variations, teaching tips and so much more!

  • Masterclass: Standing Series: Part 3 - Flexibility & Mobility with Birthe

    Welcome to 'Part 3' of our 'Standing Pilates' masterclass series with Birthe Brosolat, filmed from her Studio in Copenhagen!

    The focus of this class is on flexibility and mobility, looking at how dynamic flowing movements can help to release fascia and work on muscle tone.

    You will need 2 spi...

  • Masterclass: Preparing for the Teaser with Maria Earle

    We are really delighted to welcome Maria Earle to Body Control Pilates Central with her first masterclass filmed for us!

    This class is all about the infamous classical exercise, the Teaser! Maria takes us through a range of different movements and techniques which will help our body to prepare...

  • Masterclass: Standing Series: Part 4 - Resistance Training with Birthe

    Welcome to the fourth and final class in our 'Standing Pilates' masterclass series with Birthe Brosolat, filmed from her Studio in Copenhagen!

    This class is focused on building strength and endurance and looks at how adding weight and resistance can help increase awareness and feedback within t...

  • Masterclass: Pilates for Runners - Part 3 with Duncan Orrock

    This is the third in Duncan's 'Pilates for Runners' masterclass series.

    The class is predominantly carried out in standing, starting with looking at how important good shoulder mobility and balanced strength is for running.

    No equipment is needed for this class.

    Thanks to Sam White


  • Masterclass: A Taster of the Toning Circle with Kate Hodder

    This masterclass with Kate was first taught at the Body Control Pilates 2022 Development Weekend conference.

    Kate takes you through a flowing class using the toning circle (magic circle) and looks at how this versatile piece of small equipment can help you to find better connection and alignmen...

  • Masterclass: Movement Foundations with Tom McCook

    We are so delighted to have Tom McCook back with us on Body Control Pilates Central.

    This Movement Foundations masterclass is designed to help you move better and feel better with both Pilates Matwork and the Franklin Method exercises and techniques.

    Tom takes us through an effective approach...

  • Masterclass: The Active Rest with Michael Fritzke & Ton Voogt

    We're very excited to welcome the dynamic duo that is Michael Fritzke and Ton Voogt back to Body Control Pilates Central in London with a series of Matwork masterclasses!

    The first masterclass is 'The Active Rest' - you will one spikey ball and one Triadball for this class.

    With thanks to Dan...

  • Masterclass: Spine Corrector Sequences with Maria Earle

    This marvellous Maria masterclass takes you through a series of creative sequences on the Spine Corrector.

    Whilst providing both additional support and feedback for our bodies, the Spine Corrector can also give us an extra challenge and is great fun to work out with!

    You will need a Spine Cor...

  • Masterclass: Finding your Lumbar Spine with Kathy King

    This masterclass with Kathy is all about the lower section of the back - the lumbar spine.

    Kathy looks at movements and sequences which focus on strengthening and mobilising both the lumbar spine and also the abdominals/front of the torso, whilst also looking at how we can return safely to a 'n...

  • Masterclass: Maximising Mobility - Part 1 with Paul Howse


    This mat-based mobility masterclass with Paul was first taught at our Body Control Pilates Development Weekend conference in Autumn 2022.

    You will need a small ball (overball) and strong resistance band for this class - these are available to purchase ...

  • Masterclass: Maximising Mobility - Part 2 with Paul Howse


    This mat-based mobility masterclass with Paul was first taught at our Body Control Pilates Development Weekend conference in Autumn 2022.

    You will need a small ball (overball) and strong resistance band for this class - these are available to purchase ...

  • Masterclass: Reformer - Foot to Hip Balance with Tom McCook

    Join Tom for a full-body Reformer masterclass, with an emphasis on improving both your gait and foot-to-hip relationship.

    Tom takes you through exercises and progressions in rotation and lateral flexion, plus hip and spinal flexion/extension, to ensure you have moved your whole body in all direc...

  • Masterclass: Resistance Band Repertoire with Kate Hodder

    Mix up your Matwork routine by adding a resistance band to your workout. This masterclass with Kate looks at how this lightweight and portable piece of small equipment can add both more challenge and greater feedback to exercises.

    The band used in this class is medium strength and cut to 2m long...

  • Masterclass: Balletlates with Christie Themistocleous

    Welcome to Balletlates!

    Christie developed her Balletlates technique by combining her experience in both the Ballet and Pilates worlds. It combines elements of both techniques and looks at how they can enhance and support each other.

    You will not need any equipment for this class.

    Added Ma...

  • Masterclass: Rolling through the Spine with Michael Fritzke & Ton Voogt

    Join our dynamic duo of Michael and Ton for a flowing and fun Matwork routine which focuses on rolling through the spine in all directions and positions.

    You will need a Triadball (small ball) , a handweight (or tin of beans!), and a spikey ball for this class.

    With thanks to Danai Pappa & H...

  • Masterclass: Reformer - Asymmetry, Rotation & Classics with Kathy Corey

    We are delighted to welcome Pilates Master Teacher, Kathy Corey, back to Body Control Pilates Central with this fun and flowing Reformer masterclass looking at an exercise programme using rotation, asymmetry and a range of exercises from Joseph Pilates' classical repertoire.

    Added April 2023

  • Masterclass: The Sissel Spinefitter with Duncan Orrock

    This masterclass with Duncan provides an overview of the Sissel Spinefitter and how it can be used in conjunction with Pilates exercises to provide better awareness and feedback for clients. This portable and versatile piece of equipment can be used in a range of positions, including prone, stand...

  • Masterclass: Balanced Flow - A Magic Circle Masterclass with Georgie Sayer

    We're delighted to welcome Georgina back to Body Control Pilates Central with this 'magic circle meets the mat' masterclass!

    The 'magic circle' (toning circle) is a great portable and versatile piece of small equipment, which adds a new challenge to Matwork repertoire, as well as providing supp...

  • Masterclass: Matwork Masterclass - Classics & Variations with Kathy Corey

    The brilliant Kathy Corey takes us through a flowing Matwork masterclass, looking at the original Classical Pilates exercises and a number of variations which have developed from them over the decades.

    You will not need any equipment for this class.

    With thanks to Murielle and Theresa


  • Masterclass: A Taste of the Triadball with Michael Fritzke & Ton Voogt

    Add variety and challenge to your Pilates classes with Ton and Michael's Triadball techniques!

    The Triadball was the first ball created specifically for the Pilates method over 20 years ago and the benefits are known worldwide. It can be used to help support clients work through parts of exerci...

  • Masterclass: Improving Function: Using the Magic Circle & Franklin Balls

    In this masterclass, Tom brings together the worlds of Pilates and Franklin Method to look at we can improve our movement function using 2 small pieces of equipment - the magic circle (toning circle) and Franklin balls.

    With thanks to Hayley Towler & Hernan Castro-Vidal

    Added July 2023


  • Masterclass: Gentle Overball Routine with Kate Hodder

    The overball is fantastic piece of Pilates equipment that can help challenge range of movement and stability, as well as providing support and feedback when needed. This gently-paced routine with Kate looks at how the ball can be best used to do all these things and also to add variety to your cl...

  • Masterclass: An Introduction to Hypopressives - Part 1 with Abby Lord

    We are delighted to welcome Abby Lord to Body Control Pilates Central with her first masterclass all about Hypopressives!

    Hypopressives have immense potential to rehabilitate chronic,
    unspecified low back pain, posture imbalance, breathing and
    pelvic floor dysfunction, and so much more. The com...

  • Masterclass: Exploring the Spine Corrector with Kathy Corey

    Step into the world of the Spine Corrector in this masterclass with Kathy Corey!

    The Spine Corrector is a great way of introducing the Studio Equipment into your classes. It provides great support and feedback, and also a great challenge! Whilst it lends itself perfectly to extension exercises,...