Matwork Inspiration

Matwork Inspiration

These videos are designed to give you new inspiration and ideas for your Matwork classes and workouts. Some classes use small props such as balls and bands to add challenge, feedback and support where needed.

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Matwork Inspiration
  • Essentials Collection: Workout 24 with Kate Hodder

    Join Kate for a matwork class focused on getting the 'basics' right through good technique and alignment.

    The following exercises are covered in this class:

    Knee circles
    Oblique curl ups
    Single Leg Stretch - Stage 2
    Big Squeeze
    Rest Position
    Arm Openings
    Side reach
    Pole raises

  • Masterclass: Finding more Rotation with Maria Earle

    This marvellous Maria mat masterclass is all about rotation, rotation, we can add more twists and turns to our Pilates practice to help with functional movement in daily life.

    You will not need any equipment for this class.

    With thanks to April Gunawardena and Victoria Hinds

  • Masterclass: Move your Ribs with Kathy King

    This mat masterclass with Kathy focuses on mobilising the ribs, allowing you to breathe and move more freely.

    You will need a yoga block or two, and also an overball/triadball for this class (or a rolled up bath towel will do!).

    With thanks to Mahassen Taher and Stacey Keating

    Added Februa...

  • Longer Workout: Working with Uneven Loads with Melanie Christou

    In day-to-day life, our bodies are subjected to imbalances and uneven loads, not to mention surfaces, so we need to be prepared to counter them! This class with Melanie is designed to strengthen our bodies in a functional way so that we can cope with life's uneven paths!

    You will need medium re...

  • Masterclass: Stretch & Mobility with Paul Howse

    Join Paul for a mat masterclass that does what it says on the's all about stretch and mobility!

    You will not need any equipment for this class.

    With thanks to Gemma Archer & Hayley Towler

    Added March 2024

    Paul began practising Pilates in 1999 after sustaining a sports-related inj...

  • Longer Workout: SI Joint Stability & Mobility with Jacquie Biggs

    This mat workout with Jacquie aims to tackle any stiffness in the SI joint area by working on improving mobility and increasing stability in a range of positions.

    Jacquie uses a Sissel Sitfit in this class (available from Sissel UK - but if you don't have one, you could use a ...

  • Masterclass: Opening up your Body with Michael Fritzke & Ton Voogt

    The dynamic duo of Michael and Ton are back with a flowing masterclass on the mat which is designed to open up all areas of the body!

    You will need a small ball/Triadball for parts of this class.

    With thanks to Hernan Castro-Vidal & Jazzi Craddock

    Added April 2023

    Michael and Ton are int...

  • Longer Workout: INTERMEDIATE LEVEL Side Body Sequences with Kathy King

    This flowing routine with Kathy provides you with a balanced mat workout, with a focus on the sides of the body. Starting in standing, you will then move onto the mat and back up again to finish on your feet, ready for the rest of your day!

    You do not need any equipment for this class.

    With ...

  • Short Workout: INTERMEDIATE Four Point Kneeling Routine with Paul Howse

    This short mat workout with Paul is all carried out in four-point kneeling, and looks at how we can mobilise the spine and hips in this position, whilst also challenging strength and stability.

    You can add this short routine into a longer balanced Pilates workout, or complete it on it's own when...

  • Masterclass: Standing Series of Five with Charlie Savage

    We are very happy to welcome Charlie to the Body Control Pilates Central channel with her first class for us!

    In this flowing masterclass, designed to inspire and challenge, Charlie takes us through a series of standing exercises, starting off with a gentle warm-up and building up to the Classi...

  • Longer Workout: BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE Working with a Wall - Workout 2

    Welcome to the second of Lynne and Sarah's wall workouts!

    Using the wall for your Pilates practice can provide you with extra feedback and support, plus an extra challenge. This second class is a balanced workout designed to strengthen and mobilise the key areas of the body, whilst keeping in m...

  • Masterclass: Matwork Moves using Pilates & The Franklin Method with Tom

    It's always a pleasure to have Tom McCook with us at Body Control Pilates Central.

    In this masterclass, Tom combines Pilates, Franklin Method and Foundation Training (designed to improve posture and posterior chain muscles) exercises to provide a flowing, fluid Matwork routine.

    You will need ...

  • Masterclass: Dynamic Routine in Kneeling with Charlie Savage

    Charlie takes you down onto your knees for this dynamic, full body mat workout in four point kneeling, high kneeling, and side kneeling positions.

    You do not need any equipment for this class but you may wish to add a couple of head cushions under your knees for comfort.

    With thanks to Tracie...

  • Longer Workout: INTERMEDIATE Small Ball Work on the Mat with Kate Hodder

    Join Kate for a flowing, balanced mat class using a small ball (overball) to provide feedback, and add resistance and challenge to your routine.

    You can purchase a ball from Sissel UK -

    Added September 2024

    Kate has been teaching Pilates for over 10...

  • Longer Workout: BEGINNER/INT. Mat Moves with Jazzi Craddock

    We are delighted to welcome Jazzi to Body Control Pilates Central with her first class filmed for us!

    This flowing mat movement class is designed to give a gentle, balanced workout for beginner/improver level clients.

    You will need a head cushion for this class and may also need a yoga block o...

  • Masterclass: Pilates Fusion Mat Masterclass with Michael King

    In this mat masterclass, Michael brings together Pilates repertoire from the different pieces of Studio equipment, as well as different Pilates 'genres', to create a flowing fusion class, designed to inspire and challenge.

    Added October 2024

    Michael King, a pioneering figure in the world ...

  • Shorter Workout: Seated Stretches with Paul Howse

    This short workout with Paul is made up of stretches in a seated position which are ideal to add into a balanced mat class, or to perform on their own when you need a quick movement break.

    With thanks to Ashia Ekwealor

    Added October 2024

    Paul began practising Pilates in 1999 after sustaini...

  • Masterclass: Help your Hips Move with Kathy King

    In this mat masterclass, Kathy focuses on a series of hip mobility and strengthening exercise sequences which she finds helpful when struggling with lower back 'stiffness'.

    You do not need any equipment for this class.

    With thanks to Theresa Kalpee

    Added November 2024

    Kathy is a London-ba...

  • Masterclass: Exploring Extension with Melanie Christou

    Explore extension with Melanie as she takes us through a series of exercises and movements which will help you to feel confident in spinal extension work. Starting with warm-up exercises to prepare your body, Melanie then looks at how you can challenge yourself and your range further to get the m...

  • Shorter Workout: INTERMEDIATE Flowing Mat Workout with Valentina Fruzzetti

    Valentina takes us through a short but very sweet, flowing mat workout. No props are's just you and your mat!

    With thanks to Gemma Archer

    Added November 2024

    Valentina qualified with Body Control Pilates in 2016 and has since gone on to gain her Pilates Matwork Master and Refor...

  • Masterclass: Sacroiliac Joint Sequences with Michael Fritzke & Ton Voogt

    Join Michael and Ton for a mat masterclass full of sequences perfect for mobilising your sacroiliac (SI) joint.

    You will need a pair of spiky balls and a triadball for this class.

    With thanks to Hernan Castro-Vidal & Jazzi Craddock

    Added December 2024

    Michael and Ton are internationally ...

  • Shorter Workout: INTERMEDIATE More Core with Paul Howse

    This mini mat routine with Paul is all about the core! Perfect for building strength and stability, these flexion-based exercises are ideally performed as part of a wider, balanced class so you can include extension exercises as well.

    You do no need any equipment for this class.

    With thanks t...

  • Masterclass: Stretch and Flow with Christie Themistocleous

    We are delighted to welcome Christie back to Body Control Pilates Central with her first class filmed at our London Studio, rather than her home Studio in Cyprus!

    In this mat masterclass, Christie explores active and dynamic stretching combined with flowing movement, drawing on Joseph Pilates' ...