Public Classes (for every level)

Public Classes (for every level)

Welcome to our collection of videos for Pilates enthusiasts of all levels. More are being added every month so, when you need to take some time out for yourself, just log on, follow a class, and enjoy the benefits that only Pilates can give you.

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Public Classes (for every level)
  • Longer Workout: BEGINNER LEVEL - Pilates for the Menopause - Workout 1

    We are delighted to welcome Dr Pauline Lockhart to Body Control Pilates Central with her first class filmed for the channel!

    This workout with Pauline is designed for those currently experiencing the menopause or peri-menopause. The benefits of practicing Pilates during this phase of life are m...

  • Longer Workout: BEGINNER LEVEL - Pilates for the Menopause - Workout 2

    This second 'Pilates for the Menopause' workout with Pauline is a dynamic class designed for those currently experiencing the menopause or peri-menopause.

    The focus is on strengthening bones and also extension and rotation, challenging the range available in each plane of movement.

    You will no...

  • Longer Workout: BEGINNER LEVEL - Better Bone Health Workout with Lynne & Sarah

    Lynne and Sarah take you through an advanced, longer workout with a focus on building healthier bones. There are some seated exercises. Lynne uses a Pilates a long stretch band (light resistance).

    Lynne is co-founder and director of Body Control Pilates Education (for whom she lectures on trai...

  • Longer Workout: ADVANCED LEVEL - Moving on your Matwork with Sarah Clennell

    Join Sarah as she adds news ideas and adaptations to some of our favourite Matwork moves, in order to give you a bit more of a challenge and leave you feeling strong and balanced!

    You will need a short and a long resistance (stretch) band for this class. You may also wish to use a handweight.

  • Longer Workout: BEGINNER LEVEL - Pilates for the Older Client - Workout 3

    This class with Lynne and Sarah is designed for the 'more mature' client and pays particular focus to mobilising and strengthening joints and muscles and working on balance and co-ordination.

    You will need a long, low/medium strength resistance band for this workout (available from Sissel UK - h...

  • Longer Workout: BEGINNER LEVEL - Pilates for the Older Client - Workout 4

    Lynne and Sarah will take you through some fun variations on the mat and standing in a workout that is suitable for everyone, particularly more mature Pilates enthusiasts. You will need head cushions and a long (2m) stretch band with whatever resistance you are comfortable with.
    Bands are availab...

  • Longer Workout: Pilates Fundamentals for Hypermobile Clients with Lorna

    With thanks to Jacquie Biggs

    Lorna has been a registered nurse for 25 years and currently works part-time as an advanced nurse practitioner in a GP surgery. Prior to this, she worked in emergency departments for many years, specialising in Muscular and Skeletal injuries.

    Lorna also qualif...

  • Longer Workout: ADVANCED LEVEL- Building Strength through Repetition with Chiara

    This balanced mat class with Chiara is focused on building core strength and stability through the repetition of exercises and movements.

    You will not need any equipment for this class.

    With thanks to Hernan Castro-Vidal

    Added March 2023

    Chiara qualified as Body Control Pilates teacher i...

  • Longer Workout: INTERMEDIATE LEVEL -Posture Perfect with Christie Themistocleous

    We are delighted to welcome Christie to Body Control Pilates Central with her first class filmed specially for us from her Studio in Cyprus!

    This 'Posture Perfect' workout is designed to improve posture by countering the stresses and strains modern life puts on our body and spine. The class wil...

  • Longer Workout: INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED LEVEL - Dynamic Mat Movement - Part 1

    This fast-paced mat class with Sarah will help you find your Pilates flow with a series of sequences designed to challenge you and get you moving!

    This is an intermediate/advanced class for people with Pilates experience. You will not need any equipment for this class.

    With thanks to Gosia M...

  • Longer Workouts: BEGINNER LEVEL - Bones and Balance with Lynne & Sarah

    Join Lynne and Sarah for this flowing workout where they take you through a series of exercises which are specifically designed to improve both your bone health and your balance.

    Lynne is co-founder and director of Body Control Pilates Education (for whom she lectures on training courses for n...

  • Longer Workout: INTERMEDIATE LEVEL - Challenge your Matwork with Jacquie Biggs

    We are very happy to welcome Jacquie to Body Control Pilates Central with her first class filmed for us!

    In this intermediate-level Mat workout, Jacquie will take you through a flowing class designed to challenge your strength and stability. You will start down on the floor and finish in standi...

  • Longer Workout: INTERMEDIATE LEVEL - Intermediate Matwork Challenge with Kate

    Join Kate for a flowing intermediate Matwork class, designed to give you a bit of a challenge!

    No equipment is needed other than a mat - you'll start in standing before moving onto the floor.

    With thanks to Daniel Dewhurst and Victoria Eynaut

    Kate has been teaching Pilates for well over 10...

  • Longer Workout: INTERMEDIATE LEVEL - Mixed Mat Movements with Paul Howse

    Join Paul for a flowing mixed mat class, starting in standing then down to the floor and back up again!

    No equipment is needed for this class.

    With thanks to Hernan Castral-Vido

    Paul began practising Pilates in 1999 after sustaining a sports-related injury to his spine. He had previously sp...

  • Longer Workouts: ADVANCED LEVEL - Dynamic Flow with Sarah-Louise Warden

    This advanced level class is dynamic and flowing with plenty of challenges and lots of fun! It should be avoided by anyone with knee issues. You will need a medium resistance band for the exercises.

    Thanks to Alex Marshall & Jacquie Biggs

    Sarah was a dancer in West End shows with credits as a...

  • Longer Workouts: ADVANCED LEVEL - Flowing Mat Class with Georgina Sayer

    This dynamic Matwork class with Georgie is all about flow...there's no stopping or breaks so be prepared to work hard and keep moving! This class will work your balance, strength and co-ordination.

    With thanks to Lynda Trent-Lander

    Georgina discovered Pilates 13 years ago. She fell in ...

  • Longer Workouts: BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE LEVEL - Good Mood Moves with Rachel Bish

    A gentle, flowing class to connect mind, body and breath. This class gradually mobilises and opens the body through flowing movement, with a focus on the breath to aid release and mobility.

    You will need a small ball (such as an overball) or a rolled up towel for this class. Overballs are ava...

  • Longer Workouts: BEGINNER LEVEL Pilates for Bone Health with Lynne Robinson

    This ‘Pilates for Bone Health’ class with Lynne is a balanced workout which will appeal to anyone interested in improving their bone health (teachers and clients alike).

    The class adheres to the latest NOS (National Osteoporosis Society) guidelines for exercising with osteoporosis and focuses...

  • Longer Workouts: BEGINNER LEVEL - Pilates for the Older Client - Workout 2

    This second 'Older Client' workout with Lynne focuses on joint mobility, co-ordination and balance, all of which are crucially important to maintaining an independent and active lifestyle as we reach later life. Be prepared to be challenged and to have some fun along the way!

    If you would lik...

  • Longer Workout: BEG/INT LEVEL - Morning Mat Class with Kathy King

    This morning mat routine with Kathy is designed to lengthen and strengthen your body after you wake up, leaving you ready for the day ahead!

    With thanks to Jazzi Craddock & Simmy Collins

    Kathy is a London-based Body Control Pilates teacher. She is a member of the Body Control Pilates teache...

  • Longer Workouts: BEGINNER LEVEL - Pilates for the Older Client with Lynne

    When working with older clients, it is important we focus on a number of key areas, including building strength, building bone density, increasing flexibility, maintaining joint mobility and maintaining good balance and it's great to have a bit of fun and added challenge too!...

  • Longer Workout: INTERMEDIATE LEVEL - Gentle Movement Morning Routine with Chiara

    Chiara takes you through a gentle movement class, ideal for waking and warming up your joints for the day ahead.

    No equipment is needed for this class.

    With thanks to Hayley Towler and Hernan Castro-Vidal

    Chiara qualified as Body Control Pilates teacher in 2014 and is honoured to be part of...

  • Longer Workout: BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE LEVEL - Fun-ctional Variations with Brenda

    We are delighted to welcome Brenda to Body Control Pilates Central with her first workout, 'Fun-ctional Variations'.

    This workout focuses on the functional patterns we use most regularly in daily life. The aim is to challenge & increase range of movement in the sagittal plane with increased flex...

  • Longer Workout: BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE LEVEL- Funky Fundamentals with Matt Marney

    In this 'Funky Fundamentals' workout, Matt adds news twists to old favourites, showing you how to add variety, challenge and fun to your Matwork routine.

    Thanks to Hernan Castral-Vido & Ulrika Krishnamurti

    Matt has been a personal trainer since 2003 and has been involved in every aspect o...